The Postgraduate Program in Food and Nutrition has three categories of professors, as established by CAPES, according to the activities developed, namely:

a) Permanent Professor: pertaining to the teaching career of UERJ, he/she teaches at least one course per year and develops research in the Program, besides advising dissertations and theses.

b) Visiting Professor: does not belong to the teaching career of UERJ; released from the functional activities, his/her performance is made feasible by a fixed-term employment contract with UERJ or grant for that purpose by a development agency; he/she collaborates with the Program for a continuous period and in full time, teaching disciplines and / or conducting research, and is able to act as an advisor.

c) Collaborating Professor: member of the Program’s faculty who does not meet the requirements to be classified as permanent or visiting professor, but who participates systematically in the development of research projects, or teaching or extension activities and / or orientation regardless of whether or not they have a link with the institution.

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