The INPA post-graduate program in Botany

Welcome to our program - offiially "Biological Sciences (Botany).  If you are interested in plants and in their diversity, evolution, ecology, bioquemistry, physiology, or ethnobotany, come and study in our tropical botany program at the heart of Amazonia.  The PPG-BOT is one of 9 post graduate programs at the National Amazon Research Institute, with its main base in Manaus.

The program has infrastructure to aid the development of research in tropical botany. The  professors include researchers at INPA and from the Amazon National Federal University  (UFAM) and the Amazonas Federal Institute (IFAM), who work within the four principal  research areas and in variious projects, including research national and international multi-instituional programs such as the Research Program in Biodiversity (PPBIO), The Long-term research program in Ecological Research (PELD), The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere in Amazonia program (LBA), de Biololgical Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (PDBFF) and the INPA/Max-Planck Brasil/Germany cooperation Program. Our students have opportunities to develop their studies in field stations and experimental sites in various opartes of Amazonia in diverse ecosystems, and have the opportunity of flexibility to participate in the other couurses offer

Os alunos tem possibilidade de desenvolver seus estudos em estações científicas e sítios experimentais em várias regiões da Amazônia brasileira e em diversos ecossistemas amazônicos, tem grande flexibilidade para cursar disciplinas também nos other post-graduate courses offered at INPA do INPA and inumerable opportunities to interact and learn from other researchers and professors from other brazilian and international institutions.

The Amazon basin contains the best preserved tropical forest the planet, but it remains very little known.  We know little of the species of plants which occur here and our professora and students regularly encounter plants previously unknown.  If we know so little of the names of the species present, we know very much less about their ecology, their evolutionary history and biogeographic diversity, their ecological relationships with other species, their functionary traits, their responses to climate change, or their uses and management, etc.  We need botanists in Amazonia, come and study in Amazonia and stay for the rest of your lives!


Infra-Estrutura for research

Literatura científica

The INPA Library -- one of the largest collections of bibliografy related to Amazonia, including rare books and difficult to access publications (local journals from the Brazilian Amazon region and other Amazon countries.

INPA's database of theses and dissertations

Gateway to periodicals, CAPES -- can be accessed from any computer within INPA's network.

Acta Amazônica -- INPA's scientific journal.

Plataforma Scielo -- access to data in many latin americam journals


Laboratório do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica do INPA

The INPA Botany PPG has a small common use laboratory, with basic equipment such as microscopes. The lab has benches, sinks, freezer, greenhouse, and some commonly used materials and chemicals. The laboratory is used for the program's courses and for the support of students' lab activities, mainly by students in the Botany program, but also students of other INPA graduate programs, as well as technitions and others who need to use laboratory equipment.

This Lab was recently equipped with two high quality stereoscopic nicroscopes optained through CAPES Pró-Equipamentos,which promoted the purchase of "multiple-user equipment to improve the infrastructure for scientific research and technology in post-grtaduate programs".

Thematic Laboratories at INPA

Botany student have access to the following laboratories at INPA:

  • Geoprocessing Lab - SIGLAB
  • Soil and Plant Lab - LTSP (physico-chemical analysis of soil, water and plants)
  • Molecular Biology Lab - LTBM (molecular genetics laboratory )
  • Water Lab - LTA (physico-chemical analysis of water and limnology)
  • Electron Microscopy Lab- LTME:
    • Contacts:
      • Telephone: 3643-3379
      • Fabíola Xochilt Valdez Domingos - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Jackieline Veras This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
      • Wilson Meirelles This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professor's Laboratories:

  • Taxonomy Lab (Maria de Lourdes Soares)
  • Genetics and Plant Reprodutive Biology Lab (Rogério Gribel)
  • Seed Lab (Isolde Ferraz)

Coleções Biológicas

Experimental Stations and Reserves

Institutional Projects


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