Professional Master in Sustainable Local Development Management
The general objective of the course is to train managers to analyze the regional scenario and propose development solutions that are related to the three principles of sustainability: the economic, the environmental and the social.
To meet its general objective, PPG is structured in two Research Lines:
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Local Sustainable Development
- Environmental and social aspects for sustainable local development
The course was approved by CAPES (in the instances of the Evaluation Commission and the Scientific-Technical Council) in 2006, and homologated by the National Education Council-CNE (Portaria MEC 524, DOU 30/04/2008 - Parecer CES/CNE 33/2008, 29/04/2008).
Course Structure
The course takes place over 4 semesters. The first two semesters are aimed at the fulfillment of the subjects, with a minimum of 8, with 45 hours each, being 4 compulsory and 4 optional.
The third and fourth semesters are destined to the conclusion and defense of the dissertation.
The face-to-face activities take place in alternate weeks from Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm (and exceptionally in the afternoon).
Tuition fees
The course is free.
Profile of the professional to be trained
The student of the Professional Master in Sustainable Local Development Management (GDLS) should master the themes and techniques related to the management of local development, having the ability to propose and implement solutions aimed at meeting the principles of sustainability.
In this way, students should be able to develop research related to emerging issues, propose policies for public institutions and develop strategies for companies and non-profit organizations to act.
A critical vision and approach is also expected from them, acting as a multiplier of knowledge, whether through the creation of teaching materials, technical articles or training courses.
The target audience of the Master's Degree
It is composed of professionals from different areas who work in a managerial or strategic function in the private or public sectors.
Av. Sport Club do Recife, 252, bloco C, 4º andar - Madalena - CEP 50750-500 - Recife - PE - Brasil
Tel.: +55 (81) 3181-8631