Faculty International Integration:
The supervisors of the IDOR Doctoral Program are senior researchers, and among the 17 supervisors, 12 are researchers from CNPq and FAPERJ scientists, with an average of over 100 articles published per year. The commitment is directed to publications in high quality journals with a high citation index. Regarding this item, the scientific production, IDOR Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences has a level of excellence comparable to courses with scores 6 and 7 according to CAPES evaluation.
Besides the outstanding intellectual production, we can highlight other characteristics of international integration of the Program’s supervisors:
Fernando Bozza - Google Scholar H-index: 31. Visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh in the year 2014-2015. Received funding for international cooperation projects with Pasteur Institute and the Merieux Foundation. He was elected representative of the Americas on the ISARIC’s - International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (www.isaric.org) Executive Committee and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). He is the founder and current Coordinator of the Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network (BRICNET- www.bricnet.org)
Jorge Salluh - Google Scholar H-index: 28.
Marcio Soares - ISI H-index: 24; Google Scholar H-index: 33. International Research Networks: Member of Steering Committee of the 9-i (Caring for Critically Ill Immunocompromised Patients, Multinational Network). Editor of international journals: Section Editor, Intensive Care Medicine. International Committees: Evaluation of research projects for: The Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium; Cancer Research UK; Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Joint projects with international groups: LUCCA Study (Lung Cancer in Critical Care) - IDOR and St. Louis Hospital, Paris, France. Multicenter study in six countries of LATAM and Europe. EFRAIM Study - St. Louis Hospital, Paris, France. Multicenter study in 17 countries. Study coordination in Brazil.
Fernanda Tovar Moll - Google Scholar H-index: 15 - International Research Networks: International Research Consortium for the Corpus callosum and Cerebral Connectivity (IRC5). Roland Zahn, University of Manchester (project: Blame rebalance using functional MRI Neurofeedback). Emi Furukawa, Gail Tripp (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation) and Paulo Mattos (UFR/IDOR) - (project: Neurobiology of ADHD, team member). Mary Kay Floeter (NIH) - Neuroimaging of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis, and frontotemporal dementia. Angela Sirigu (CNRS/Lyon) - Neuroimaging in amputee and limb agenesis patients - development of the body map. Steve Jacobson and Afonso Silva (NIH) - Neuroplasticity and neuroimaging in preclinical models. - Editor of international journals: Proofreader of the journals: Biological Psychiatry (1969), Cortex (Milano Testo Stampato), Annals of Neurology, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (press), Plos One and Journal of Neuroimaging. - International events: Invited to the World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions, 2015, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Invited to the World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Projects or thesis in cooperation with international groups: International Research Consortium for the Corpus Callosum and Cerebral Connectivity (IRC5), a research consortium that aims to unite efforts to investigate the functions and the development of the corpus callosum, with the support of researchers from the United States, Australia and France. Roland Zahn, University of Manchester (project: Blame rebalance using functional MRI Neurofeedback). Emi Furukawa, Gail Tripp (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation) and Paulo Mattos (UFRJ/IDOR) - (project: Neurobiology of ADHD, team member). Mary Kay Floeter (NIH) - Neuroimaging of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis, and frontotemporal dementia. Angela Sirigu (CNRS/Lyon) - Neuroimaging in amputee and limb agenesis patients - development of the body map. Steve Jacobson and Afonso Silva (NIH) - Neuroplasticity and neuroimaging in preclinical models
Leonardo Fontenelle - Google Scholar H-index: 31. Integrates the international research network World Psychiatry Association, Anxiety and OCDs section. Associate Editor of the Journal Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. Former academic-editor of PLoS ONE. Board of Directors, International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. Participates in committees abroad: Reviewer of Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Reviewer of the South African Medical Research Council, South Africa. Reviewer of the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom. Received funding from international entities: David Winston Turner Endowment Fund, Australia. Joint Project with Prof. Ulrich Stangier, Goethe University, Frankfurt: Enhancing the pharmacological treatment of resistant social anxiety disorder with cognitive therapy. Call No. 39/2014 - Bilateral Cooperation Program FAPERJ/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Paulo Mattos - Google Scholar H-index: 22. Member of the international group ENIGMA ADHD, created in 2013 to gather MRI data of patients diagnosed with ADHD and healthy controls, over lifetime.
Heitor Souza - ISI H-index: 14; Google Scholar H-index: 18
International collaboration with Dr. Claudio Fiocchi, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OH, USA, in the following research projects: 1) Dynamic maintenance of telomeres of intestinal mucosa inflammatory cells in inflammatory bowel diseases. 2) Investigation of pathogenic mechanisms and new approaches for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and colorectal cancer.
Jorge Moll Neto - Google Scholar H-index: 29. International Research Networks: Emi Furukawa and Gail Tripp, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology University, Project: Neurobiology of ADHD. Roland Zahn, King's College, London, project: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback in patients in remission from major depressive disorder: Clinical Proof of Concept. Murat Yucel, Monash University, Australia, agreement to establish a network of excellence in cognitive neuroscience. International Journal’s Editor: Associate Editor of Social Neuroscience and member of the editorial board of Dementia and Neuropsychology, Frontiers in Neuroscience and Frontiers for the Young Minds. International Events: Board and President of the World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions, 2015, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Member of the Scientific Committee and invited speaker of the World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Funding from agencies or international organizations: Newton Fund Program 2015 in partnership with CONFAP – Senior Fellowship for the visiting researcher Gorana Pobric. OIST - Agreement with Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. Projects or joint thesis with international groups: Emi Furukawa and Gail Tripp (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology University) (project: Neurobiology of ADHD). Roland Zahn, King's College, London, project: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback in patients in remission from major depressive disorder: Clinical Proof of Concept. Murat Yucel, Monash University, Australia, agreement to establish a network of excellence in cognitive neuroscience.
Stevens Rehen - H-index Google Scholar: 23
2014 - Present - Journal: Advances in Regenerative Biology
2012 - 2014 - Journal: PeerJ
2011 - 2012 - Journal: Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Printed)
2009 - Present - Journal: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
2007 - Present - Journal: Vieira & Lent Casa Editorial Ltda
Program Internationalization:
IDOR Doctoral Program naturally blends with IDOR’s research activities, which already have a very robust international implication.
All research lines and many of the projects are conducted in active partnerships with international research groups that result in intense mobility in both directions, and authorship in scientific articles.
An average of 15 foreign researchers visit IDOR each year and, currently, the Institute receives 8 postdocs from abroad.
The Doctoral Program is open to foreign students and will offer international subjects and courses as of the second year, including the participation of foreign teachers via Skype/video/web.
In the first year of the Program the student must register for the core course "Scientific Writing" which aims to improve the writing and communicative qualities of scientific papers written in English.
Faculty and Students Mobility:
Leonardo Fontenelle: Visiting professor, Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Australia.
PhD student (UFRJ - Ilana Frydman) will spend two months in Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences at Monash University, Australia.
Fernando Bozza - Visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh in the year 2014-2015.
Jorge Moll Neto - "Incube Labs/IDOR Applied Science/Exchange Program/Stanford University, Silicon Valley: to receive PhD students and Wezmamm Institute of Science, Israel.